Contact - Venti Views Photography – Los Angeles, CA

Venti Views Photography – Los Angeles, CA Venti Views Photography – Los Angeles, CA View More Photos Skip to Main Content



I had been selling my images since I was 15. By the time I was 19 I thought I was pretty good. I got hired on a part time basis to carry stuff for a photographer. So in a sense all I was, was very cheap labor to carry stuff, my ability with a camera was incidental.

Based in Los Angeles, CA  /  Email me 

We specialize in cinematography, content creation and photography. It can be anything from aerial, fitness/sports , landscape, studio, or lifestyle, and event photography to vlogs, and short form video content for social media. We have worked with brands like Lululemon, Adidas Terrex, Onewheel, and Colfax Design.

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Cameron Venti is an award winning photographer, content creator, YouTuber, and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, California.

You may find him doing things such as...

Flying his drone at EPIC locations for his clients...

OR maybe you'll see him chasing runners on his Onewheel

And you just may see him shooting at Fender HQ

But one thing is true on any Venti Views shoot:

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